
From WordPress to The World Race

Hey, followers and friends!

For now, my one and only blog is going to be

I would encourage you to click the link on the right side of the page, check it out, and sign up for email updates so you can stay up-to-date with all of the latest as I begin this process of preparation and fundraising and step out onto the field in September 2012.

If you would like to, I would also love any amount of support and prayers you can give. I appreciate all of you and am so grateful for you!

May God richly bless you in this next year and a half of life. See ya on the flipside 🙂

Categories: Awakening, Blogging, Fundraising, God, Justice, Life, Ministry, Missions, Prayer, Travel, World Race | Tags: , , , , , | 1 Comment

Where to begin?

Woooooow! How do you begin to describe the plethora of feelings one has when they are rocked, first by God and what He wants them to do, and dealing with all of the crazy emotions and stress of taking steps toward that, then adding to it the incredible, unbelievable, overwhelming amount of support by their family and friends?

I mean seriously, come on. Who am I to have such amazing friends and family? Who am I to have a workplace jump behind me immediately upon hearing about the World Race? Who am I? Nobody. But that’s not true, is it? And I’m talking to YOU, my blog reader, right now too, because you’re amazing and don’t ever let any single person in your life tell you that you don’t matter, that you don’t have a purpose, that God doesn’t love you as much as He loves everyone else around you. Do not believe it.

God has created you for a distinct purpose. He loves you with an everlasting love! Sure, He’s called me to the World Race for this season of my life. And I’m getting pretty darn excited for it too! I’m still processing this past weekend and the past month and how this has all played out. I honestly don’t know if I’ll ever come down from this high I’ve been on…because I’ve realized without a doubt that none of this could have happened with Jesus. Plain and simple. Done. Just walk away. No more words needed. JESUS! Woooow. He deserves ALL of the praise! He draws us close to Him, whispers to us, drenches us in His love. Sit and soak Him in, ask Him to come, and He WILL. He loves YOU. You are precious to Him. I wish I could say that in a stronger way so you could actually tangibly feel His love the way I’m feeling it right now. It’s the love He has for everyone.

Keep after Him. Keep seeking Him. DO NOT give up. Seek His face, and He will come to you. There’s no formula…it’s just humbleness before God. I am nothing Lord, I realize that so obviously…but I can’t help but yearn for You every minute. You are everything my soul desires! I want to feel Your arms around me, holding me tight. I want to trust You more. To not be so wrapped up in this world. Help me to know what it’s like to be truly FREE in You. To let go of my insecurities, my fears and anxieties, and just simply trust in You. To walk forward in what You have placed me in right now, and to keep walking toward the dreams and desires that You have placed in me. I am made for more, for greater, and especially to worship You. Help me to do that! I love You!

This is my prayer for me and you. Thank you for reading my blog, for your promises of support for the World Race, for following me and encouraging me and being such amazing friends to me. I can’t ever express how much it has meant to me and will mean to have you all by my side as I go through this next adventure the Lord has placed before me. Ultimately, this is ALL for Him! To God be the Glory and ALL praise through this and all future generations in ALL nations! Amen and amen (as Pastor Rob would say :D)

Be blessed today. Just soak in Jesus. He IS with you, I promise. Yearning to be close to you. Let Him love on you today 🙂

I need to start fundraising soon. If you would like to support me, click on the link to my World Race blog now on the right side and go to the “Support Me! :)” link. Or just click here. And while you’re at it, sign up for e-mail updates on my WR blog 🙂 I would love to have you follow me on my journey as I prepare and process everything along the way.

Categories: Dreams, Faith, Fundraising, God, Missions, Prayer, Purpose, Trust, World Race | 1 Comment

Not so into this

Blogging has been a struggle for me lately, not gonna lie. I’m pretty sure it’s just one part of a multi-faceted attack by the devil on me. It’s been a struggle to write, a struggle to blog, a struggle to process things, a struggle to feel emotion and excitement, a struggle to remain confident that this is where God has me. And I believe it’s because I am on the brink of moving, of changing, of actually beginning to put action behind words and dreams. It’s because I’m taking steps toward something huge, totally bigger than myself. There’s a lot that’s going to go into it and it’s scary and crazy and sometimes, actually all the time lately, I find myself thinking “who am I to even think that I can do this?” It’s going to take a lot out of me. But…dun dun dun…I think that’s the point. A lot needs to be taken out and removed so that God can pour into me what He wants to be used for His glory.

My dad has been an extreme encourager for me during this time. He’s constantly reaffirming me and he’s really good at reminding me about my passion and who I am in Christ and who he and my family and friends see me as and capable of. To have him and my mom and family and friends behind me in this is extremely amazing.

One step at a time.

**Disclaimer. I apologize for being so mysterious. Some of you are just plain confused right now, others will know what I’m talking about immediately. All will be revealed in due time 😉 Love you all!

Categories: Blogging, Dreams, Faith, Feelings, Passion, Prayer, Purpose | Leave a comment

Sorry about the lull…

…life sure has gotten the best of my blogging lately. I’m guessing you want to know all about the Desiring God conference! In fact, I think I’ll be posting a few of the sessions on my blog for you to enjoy through the next couple weeks when I can find the time. There were some that I couldn’t get enough of — especially Louie Giglio. If you’ve ever heard him speak, you’ll know what I’m talking about. Seriously amazing! What He shows us about God and who He really is is absolutely staggering!

There’s been a lot going on in the life of Jess lately. The weekend of the conference was also the same weekend we said goodbye to one of my brothers who is off to Air Force basic training. Pretty cool, as he’s been working toward this for a long time and is super dedicated to it — we know this is God’s call on his life — but it is still weird to have him gone!

Oh, and we had our first Mission Talk lifegroup last night. The one where we bring in missionaries to tell us their stories, their calling, how they got on the mission field, what it has been like, what their vision is for the future, etc. It’s amazing. This is something I feel is 100% necessary for followers of Jesus to do. To gather around our missionaries to support them and listen to them and be inspired by them to go (or at least to send!) as well — and especially to pray for them! It’s such a GOOD time. God’s doing amazing things around the world, and I don’t know about you, but I definitely want to be a part of it!

So anyway, definitely processing things from the conference and seeking God. It’s hard for me to gather my thoughts on it, because there are so many. But I will try. Later, though! 🙂

Categories: Blogging, God, Life, Missions, Prayer | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

I know this isn’t conventional…

…and it’s probably blogging taboo, but I posted a “song,” if you will, on my other blog that I wrote a couple months ago and just am curious what you think about it. It’s a cry to awaken passion. To BE the Lord’s hands and feet. To follow Him wherever He leads. I don’t know. I just felt I should post it. So I wanted to share it with you.

You can check it out here:

Categories: Awakening, Blogging, Passion, Prayer | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

Pieces of my heart

I haven’t traveled across all of the world yet…but there are pieces of my heart in countries and places I haven’t been because of my sponsored children.

  • Because of Tin, there’s a piece of my heart in Thailand.
  • Because of Mekdelawit, there’s a piece of my heart in Ethiopia.
  • Because of Bheki, there’s a piece of my heart in Swaziland.

These are beautiful children. They deserve to know God’s great love for them. They deserve to be nourished and clothed, to have shoes and clean drinking water. They deserve to go to school, to read and write, and to learn about Jesus.

I am so grateful for Compassion and Mission of Mercy, that they are active in these countries, caring for these wonderful children and their families, and making an impact in their communities.

The reality is, there are so many kids who are still awaiting sponsorship. And so many more who don’t get the opportunity to be sponsored. They might not even have a home, or a mom & a dad, or a family, or food and clothes and clean water. They are homeless, hopeless, crying out for love.

But in the midst of it all…in the midst of the suffering and pain and heartbreak…God is there. He is with them. That is His name, after all! Emmanuel, God with us!

Thank you, Lord, for seeing each of us where we’re at right now. Thank you that regardless of our circumstances, regardless of what we’ve done…You still say, “Come.”

Thank you for taking care of us. I don’t understand it all. My heart cries, “But, LORD, why?” so often. But still, I thank you for being with us. You are GOD. You are GOOD. And You are on the MOVE.

Would you consider sponsoring a child today? I can promise you that it will change their life and yours, as well. Simply click on the links above for more details.

Also, this little girl from Honduras needs a sponsor. Her name is Maykelin, she is PRECIOUS, and our goal is to have her sponsored by Aug 31. Find out all about her here. If you’d like to sponsor her, contact me and I’ll get you in touch with the right people!
Categories: Compassion, God, Ministry, Missions, Prayer, Sponsorship, Travel | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

There’s POWER in Prayer

Lately, I have been becoming more and more aware of the intense, incredible, authentic, and life-changing power of prayer!The coolest thing is that there is no defense against the power of prayer! You can go to the nations in prayer! Countries may have closed borders and be closed to the Gospel, but prayer penetrates those borders. It gets through the cracks in hard hearts. It breaks down barriers. Isn’t that just awesome?!

I have this vision of God’s people praying, and it’s like an aviation map. The prayers “fly” across the world — there is no border that prayer can’t cross, no fortress strong enough to hold it back, no wall thick enough to keep it out. That is the power of God through prayer! A country may be closed to you, but it cannot be closed to the power of your prayers. We can change the world through prayer!!!!

Don’t listen when people discourage you from praying. When people say, “oh, my friend, I have done too many bad things, so do not even try to pray for me, because it is hopeless for me,” do not listen to them! I can easily see this as the devil speaking through them, because he recognizes the power of prayer! Think about it…the devil knows how powerful God is and that there is incredible, life-changing power through prayer. If the devil tries to discourage you, he’s trying to limit the goodness of God, limit the incredible life-changing power of God, and he knows that prayer could change this person’s life and so he discourages you from praying, even through the mouth of this very person, to try to stop God from doing miraculous work through prayer. Whoa, huh?

We often times don’t see the end result of our prayers. And that can be very discouraging. But can I encourage you to keep at it with all excitement and Passion and boldness? It is hard when the feelings aren’t there…you feel dry and empty…but it’s all about believing in the power of God to transform lives and do what seems impossible to us, because it is really nothing for Him. We are to be rooted in prayer, because there is nothing that God cannot do. He is everything! There is so much strength in prayer, so much peace in knowing that you have prayed, and now you can let God do the rest, because you have done your part, even if it feels like the smallest thing, by praying.

We underestimate the power of prayer. Many people, or most people at one time or another, think that prayer is wimpy or not good enough. We think we need to DO something tangible in order to make a difference. But I’ve been learning that that is just not true at all!!! Pray with confidence! Pray with conviction! God may not answer our prayers the way we think He should do it, but — reality check — He is WISER than us and He has a PLAN!

There’s a closeness, an intimacy with God when we pray. Sometimes you won’t feel it (I know I don’t most of the time). And sometimes it will overwhelm you!!! But it is really not about feelings. It’s about knowing who God is, knowing His truth and trusting Him no matter what, that He has the best plan. It’s understanding that His ways are not our ways, that we don’t understand “why” all the time. But don’t you think it’s definitely possible that our brains could never truly grasp how wide and how deep and how high is His knowledge, His power, His love for us? It’s about trusting Him through that and never ceasing to pray. Pray with a humble heart and open hands, ready to receive and go, and ready to be all who God has called you to be.

Prayer reaches the nations! How awesome is that? We cannot fathom how far it reaches. We do not understand the full depths of its power. But God is so huge. Prayer is an incredible gift that needs to be picked up and used. It’s hard to pray all the time. It’s challenging, and I fail so often. But try. And keep trying. God doesn’t give up on you. He loves you with an everlasting love. I am so grateful to serve a God with such depth to Him. I can’t comprehend Him, but oh how I love Him and how He loves me!!! This is a beautiful thing, my friends!

Never cease to pray. Lift up yourself…for healing and understanding and the filling of the Holy Spirit. For boldness and confidence in Christ. Then lift up others around you. Bring them to the throne of God! Pray for your nation — for peace and wisdom for its leaders, for God to be known amongst every people group in your nation, and finally, all the other nations in the world. That Christ’s love and undeniable power would be known across the globe, and that the Holy Spirit would penetrate every border, every people group, every person in every nation. That no one would die without the chance to know Jesus, to know that He died for them so that they could have eternal life and be with God in heaven forever! Ahhh-mazing. Amen!

[I wrote this a couple of days ago in a moment of inspiration 😛 I’ve tweaked it since then…but I’ve been incredibly challenged by this. It really challenges me more than I could ever tell you…and I’ve realized lately that I lack so much in prayer. I used to pride myself in praying “all-day-long.” But I am now humbled in knowing I have a long way to go. Would you join me in becoming more persistent, more confident, more deliberate in prayer? It’s SUPER challenging. But the reward, getting closer and more in tune with the Holy Spirit and the heart-beat of God, has GOT to be SO worth it!]
Categories: Faith, Feelings, God, Holy Spirit, Life, Prayer | Leave a comment

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