
Road of Resistance

This is where my heart is. This video is long and hard to watch. But I’m glued to it. It rips my heart to pieces and crushes it again and again. I applaud the founders of Road of Resistance. For their courage. For their longing to bring justice to the Karen people. I think, with something this big…an atrocity, a genocide…something on this large of a scale and so overwhelming…it’s easy to glaze over it and walk away. But that’s where God’s tugging comes in and you know you can’t just sit still. You have to share this. You have to talk about it. You have to get the word out. Because people think genocide only happens in Africa. But in reality, there are more child soldiers in Burma alone than any other country in the world. No one would think of Asia being a ripe plucking ground for child soldiers. But it is. Trafficking. Genocide. Brutal military rampage by the Burmese army. This is reality. And we need to do something about it. With the Lord’s help. So that is why I’m sharing this video with you. Because if I don’t…I’m not sure I could handle it.

Categories: Burma, Genocide, Justice, Missions, Refugees, Trafficking | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Brainstorm session

So I’ve been thinking about this blog a lot lately and getting excited. The possibilities seem endless. It’s very likely that I won’t blog every day. But who knows? I’m relying on the Lord’s leading. We’ll see where He takes me. (I’ve been saying that a lot these past couple days!) I have all of these dreams and ideas. I sense big things in the works. It’s so hard to wait…because I get this inkling of God working behind the scenes, and it’s like I can sort of, kind of tell what He’s doing, but then it seems that the little glimpse is immediately enveloped by a fog…and I again am left to wondering what He’s up to.

I’ve been pondering a few ideas. As a travel writer by day and missions-writer-wanna-be by night, I’ve realized I should probably showcase some of my work on here so you can see what I’ve done and what I’m capable of. I’m not looking to impress anyone (but I do secretly hope you like something I’ve written :))

I also feel the need to help whoever reads this understand more about the issues that face many people around the world today…such as sex trafficking, the AIDS/HIV crisis, genocide, hunger, poverty, oppression, lack of clean water, etc etc etc. There are quite a few exceptional organizations at work today that deserve to be highlighted…so I’m hoping to feature many of them here…possibly as weekly/daily highlights and help you get involved, which would make me so happy!

After I published this blog on Saturday, I received an AWESOME idea from a friend of mine…he suggested this could be a place where I would provide you with resources to use your gifts and talents to get the word out about these issues and help you and others discover ways to get involved. When he told me that…I sat back and thought, “Wow. That is an amazing idea.” Totally a God thing. I would love for that to be a direction/theme for this blog…we’ll see where God takes it! :)It’s something I have to wrap my head around and ponder and pray more about…because I totally don’t feel at all worthy to be a resource for others (only by God’s grace!).

If you have any suggestions and feedback on things you’d like to know about, I’d love to hear it!

Categories: Blogging, Ministry, Missions, Questions, Refugees, Trafficking, Travel, Truth | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

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