
From WordPress to The World Race

Hey, followers and friends!

For now, my one and only blog is going to be

I would encourage you to click the link on the right side of the page, check it out, and sign up for email updates so you can stay up-to-date with all of the latest as I begin this process of preparation and fundraising and step out onto the field in September 2012.

If you would like to, I would also love any amount of support and prayers you can give. I appreciate all of you and am so grateful for you!

May God richly bless you in this next year and a half of life. See ya on the flipside 🙂

Categories: Awakening, Blogging, Fundraising, God, Justice, Life, Ministry, Missions, Prayer, Travel, World Race | Tags: , , , , , | 1 Comment

Well hello there, life change!

Wow! Who would’ve thought I’d be writing this blog a year ago? So crazy to think how your life can change so much in 1 year! Talk about wild!

I’m really excited, and just a little bit nervous and scared, to announce something to you. Quite a few of you know what I’m going to say, and quite a few of you don’t. But it probably won’t surprise you. You see…I’m about to embark on a crazy adventure called The World Race. It’s not the Amazing Race (it’s better!), not even really a race, but it is a trip around the world…11 countries in 11 months! Can you say WOWZA???

I first discovered this on July 7 (see, I even remember the date!?!?!) and was hooked from that very moment until this very day. Now it’ll be with me for a lifetime. It’s for 21-35 year olds…and its an 11-month long mission trip. See the world, experience all sorts of different people, cultures and places…learn how each missionary and missions organization does things differently, get stretched out of my comfort zone, strengthen my faith, get loads and loads of Holy Spirit goodness…and that’s just scratching the surface of all that’s in store. How do I know?

Well…there are these little things called World Race blogs that I’ve read every day since July 7. I know, I’m a little crazy at times. But I told you I was hooked, and I can’t get enough! You see, every World Racer has a blog. They get to tell the world about their experiences, their struggles, what they’re doing, where they are, their adventures, how they’re growing and changing, etc. So naturally I will get to do this soon, too (here’s a link to my very own World Race blog :)). But I’ve been reading these blogs for months now, and they’re crazy awesome. Real, down-to-earth, human experiences. Super encouraging. So anyway. I would highly encourage you to read some of these in your spare time.

But yes. I just received word that I was accepted. I applied on Dec 2, had my interview Dec 8, and found out Dec 15 that I’m in. That’s lightning fast! It’s been a whirlwind–and I’m really, honestly not 100% sure how I feel about everything yet. It’s a strange mixture of nervousness and excitedness (I think I just made up a word :-P). There’s a lot of other awesome God-stuff to tell you about, but in short, I’ve known for a while that this is something He wants me to do. There’s so much goodness in store, and I know it won’t be easy–it means leaving family and friends for 11 months, it means probably painful life-change and a lot of constant adjustments, it means being uncomfortable and tired all the time. But it also means stepping out and growing into who God wants me to be. This is something, a stepping stone, that I’ve been looking for for some time now…waiting for, wondering about, wishing for. But never for sure knowing what it would look like. The World Race is going to be a launching pad for me into full-time missions. My heart knows this. God has revealed some things to me and confirmed them in quite a few very obvious ways lately…and I know this is just the beginning.

It’s going to mean a lot of changes, and it’s going to mean I don’t get to see all of you wonderful people for a while, but I know you’ll be okay, and I’ll be okay, too. God’s on our side, who can be against us?! Big things are in store for all of us!

So, just briefly, I’ll let you in on what I know so far.

  • I’ll leave in September 2012.
  • I have to raise $15,500.
  • I’ll be going to Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam/Laos, Tanzania, Mozambique, Swaziland, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Moldova, Romania, and Ireland. (check out more details of my route here)

This was all part of why I decided to go. I was in love with the World Race, or more so, the idea of it. I love to travel…want to see the world…love missions…love God…perfect, right? Well…I just wasn’t for sure yet. So, I prayed one of these prayers. “God, if you want me to go on the World Race, you know the countries I want to go to, so I’ll know that I’m supposed to go when I see them all on the same route.” Haha! I should’ve been more prepared. When the September routes were announced, I remember taking a deep breath before I read the email, because I had a hunch that God just might be calling me to one in September (but I didn’t tell anyone this, because I wasn’t sure). So…I opened the email. And started laughing. Because voila…there it was. My route. Totally meant for me. I should’ve known. God, you’re funny!

So then I hemmed and hawed and prayed and thought and prayed some more about it all…anxious because I’d need to quit my job, but knowing this is exactly perfect for me with where I’m at right now. The opportunities are endless. And God kept after me, whispering to me to “just do it.” I finally had to forget all the wondering and the emotions and just simply “do it.” Stop wondering about what I know now or don’t know and just go for it. So I did. And now I’m here. Writing this blog, a little overwhelmed, a tad excited and sad and a puddle of random emotions…but relieved at the same time to be able to step out of my comfortable Minnesota bubble and do what I’ve been dreaming about doing for a long time now. Travel the world for missions and write about it.

I know and trust that God will show His face to me through this. That He will open me up to a world that is broken and in need of healing, but also a world that is ultimately HIS. Created for His glory and His purpose. I just want to shine His love.

So that’s the scoop, friends and fam! I can hardly believe it! The journey has just begun. There’s lots more to come, and I will keep you posted on the new life adventures of Jess. Love you all!

I’ll be sending out support letters soon…but for now, if you would like to begin supporting me, either go to my World Race blog and click the “Support Me” link, or click on the image below for details on how to support me. THANK YOU! 🙂

Categories: Awakening, Blogging, Dreams, Faith, Holy Spirit, Life, Ministry, Missions, Opportunities, Travel, World Race | 15 Comments

Pieces of my heart

I haven’t traveled across all of the world yet…but there are pieces of my heart in countries and places I haven’t been because of my sponsored children.

  • Because of Tin, there’s a piece of my heart in Thailand.
  • Because of Mekdelawit, there’s a piece of my heart in Ethiopia.
  • Because of Bheki, there’s a piece of my heart in Swaziland.

These are beautiful children. They deserve to know God’s great love for them. They deserve to be nourished and clothed, to have shoes and clean drinking water. They deserve to go to school, to read and write, and to learn about Jesus.

I am so grateful for Compassion and Mission of Mercy, that they are active in these countries, caring for these wonderful children and their families, and making an impact in their communities.

The reality is, there are so many kids who are still awaiting sponsorship. And so many more who don’t get the opportunity to be sponsored. They might not even have a home, or a mom & a dad, or a family, or food and clothes and clean water. They are homeless, hopeless, crying out for love.

But in the midst of it all…in the midst of the suffering and pain and heartbreak…God is there. He is with them. That is His name, after all! Emmanuel, God with us!

Thank you, Lord, for seeing each of us where we’re at right now. Thank you that regardless of our circumstances, regardless of what we’ve done…You still say, “Come.”

Thank you for taking care of us. I don’t understand it all. My heart cries, “But, LORD, why?” so often. But still, I thank you for being with us. You are GOD. You are GOOD. And You are on the MOVE.

Would you consider sponsoring a child today? I can promise you that it will change their life and yours, as well. Simply click on the links above for more details.

Also, this little girl from Honduras needs a sponsor. Her name is Maykelin, she is PRECIOUS, and our goal is to have her sponsored by Aug 31. Find out all about her here. If you’d like to sponsor her, contact me and I’ll get you in touch with the right people!
Categories: Compassion, God, Ministry, Missions, Prayer, Sponsorship, Travel | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Brainstorm session

So I’ve been thinking about this blog a lot lately and getting excited. The possibilities seem endless. It’s very likely that I won’t blog every day. But who knows? I’m relying on the Lord’s leading. We’ll see where He takes me. (I’ve been saying that a lot these past couple days!) I have all of these dreams and ideas. I sense big things in the works. It’s so hard to wait…because I get this inkling of God working behind the scenes, and it’s like I can sort of, kind of tell what He’s doing, but then it seems that the little glimpse is immediately enveloped by a fog…and I again am left to wondering what He’s up to.

I’ve been pondering a few ideas. As a travel writer by day and missions-writer-wanna-be by night, I’ve realized I should probably showcase some of my work on here so you can see what I’ve done and what I’m capable of. I’m not looking to impress anyone (but I do secretly hope you like something I’ve written :))

I also feel the need to help whoever reads this understand more about the issues that face many people around the world today…such as sex trafficking, the AIDS/HIV crisis, genocide, hunger, poverty, oppression, lack of clean water, etc etc etc. There are quite a few exceptional organizations at work today that deserve to be highlighted…so I’m hoping to feature many of them here…possibly as weekly/daily highlights and help you get involved, which would make me so happy!

After I published this blog on Saturday, I received an AWESOME idea from a friend of mine…he suggested this could be a place where I would provide you with resources to use your gifts and talents to get the word out about these issues and help you and others discover ways to get involved. When he told me that…I sat back and thought, “Wow. That is an amazing idea.” Totally a God thing. I would love for that to be a direction/theme for this blog…we’ll see where God takes it! :)It’s something I have to wrap my head around and ponder and pray more about…because I totally don’t feel at all worthy to be a resource for others (only by God’s grace!).

If you have any suggestions and feedback on things you’d like to know about, I’d love to hear it!

Categories: Blogging, Ministry, Missions, Questions, Refugees, Trafficking, Travel, Truth | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

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