
To the Wholehearted

Hey Hey Helena

Back in February, I had class on the whole Old Testament. It was intense, and beautiful. I wrote this post then, and still, this subject is so current. It needs a revisit.

King David was wholehearted.

He loved big, and he messed up royally.

At the end of the day, though, he was remembered as wholehearted, one after God’s own heart. And I believe there are people today who seek the Lord and obey Him wholeheartedly. The few, the brave, who voluntarily march in with slings and stones and slay giants in their everyday lives. Those who sometimes mess everything up and suffer the consequences, choosing to trust God.


I know you’re still out there, I’ve met you.

This is for you.


Here’s to you, wholehearted. 


You are not afraid to feel. You go big or you go home. When you hear the voice of God, you believe…

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This is sadly very true and accurate and a good wake up call for everyone supporting children in Haiti…before you blindly throw money at an organization/orphanage, make sure you do your research and ensure you’re not just helping to line the pockets of those who run the “orphanage” and ask for help. As Christians it’s our duty to bring REAL HOPE and LIFE and LOVE to the precious children of Haiti!

This blog might be harsh to some people, new information to some people and old to many who have worked in Haiti.  However, this has been brewing in me practically since the first day I arrived in this country and I believe the only way to make it any better is to FIGHT it and speak out.  

When I used to think of a “Business” I used to think of a product or service for sale, an office and some staff, maybe a logo and a website….NOW, when I think of business (here in Haiti), my mind flashes directly to Orphanages.  Although I’m sure this happens other places in the world, I am only going to speak of Haiti because I live here and experience this all the time.

In Haiti, orphanages=business  ….   children=money.

The template here for businesses…I mean orphanages….are the same.  “Pastor”…

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Excitement is building

I’m so happy to have my excitement back! I’ve been going through a period of an emotion lull…where I know I should react this way or that to whatever is happening around me…so I give people the responses I know I’m supposed to give, but I just didn’t feel anything.

I’m sure we all go through this to some extent, but it’s very frustrating when there just seems to be no end to it! (Then God shows up in ways that can only be from Him, and all of a sudden it’s like BAM…you’re awake again…you’re actually feeling things again. Only He can do that!) I’m sure I sound crazy, but oh well!

God’s doing some things in my life—big things—that I’ve been dreaming about for a while. I can’t talk about it yet because it’s too soon…sorry…but bear with me ☺ Through all the ups and downs of normal, everyday life lately, despite full-to-the-brim emotions or none at all…I’ve had to keep reminding myself of what God has promised multiple times. That He will never leave me or forsake me, no matter what. (Joshua 1:5, Hebrews 13:5, Deuteronomy 31:8).

Our God is a good God. He has life-giving, cup-overflowing plans for us.

Psalm 23 is amazing…I’ve found myself repeating it day after day. Because it’s truth. God is always with me. He’s always with you. He loves you so deeply that He would lead you beside the freshest, cleanest, purest streams of living water for you to drink; He guides us in paths of righteousness for the glory of His name; He blesses us in front of our enemies; He anoints us, He cleanses us, He loves us. Wow—we are blessed!

Psalm 23
[A psalm of David.]

The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
he restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness
for his name’s sake.
Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD

It’s just so exciting, and encouraging, and I hope this encourages you today to be strong in the Lord, be courageous, do not lose heart, because He is with you and will never leave you.

Categories: Awakening, Bible, Feelings, God, Life, Psalm, Struggles, Trust, Uncategorized | Tags: , , | 1 Comment

Jesus & laughter

[Short Friday post!]

You know those random thoughts that make you smile? This is one of them 🙂
I’m willing to bet that Jesus had a pretty phenomenal sense of humor. He was probably a pretty funny guy when he was here on earth. Can’t you just hear his disciples groaning, Jeeeeesus…not again! Or something like that. Haha! Maybe I’m totally out of line on that one….but why else would God give us a sense of humor if He didn’t enjoy a little fun and laughter himself? 🙂 I can imagine just loads and loads of delight at the funny stories He would tell. Oh, and on that note too, I bet he had a fantastic laugh…probably one of those hearty laughs you can’t get enough of, that you love to hear and is absolutely contagious!

Is it just me? I just love the thought of hearing Jesus laugh. I think it would have been the best thing!

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God is softening me

I used to be a girl who didn’t cry very often. In fact, it was extremely rare. I just couldn’t. No matter how much I’d want to or how hard I’d try. I’d get huge headaches from all the emotion that I couldn’t release. It is frustrating, to be a girl and not be able to cry at all.

Now, I’m not saying I’m a crybaby now…or even overly emotional, because that’s not me…but God is slowly softening me. He’s still working on me. It’s been a long process, and one that I welcome and have asked for many times over the years.

I used to think something was wrong with me. How is it possible to not feel emotion? I mean, I’d have trouble being excited about friends getting engaged, or someone getting healed, or something cool happening at any point. I still struggle with this at times, but it’s been getting better, praise God!

Lately, little things have been making my eyes water “mysteriously,” and at work, no less! All I have to do is read one of the many stories of starvation and the horrible famine happening in the horn of Africa (speaking of which, here are some ways to help), and voila—tears. All I have to do is read a blog on how the Holy Spirit is working through people today (like on the World Race)—and there you have it. My eyes are suspiciously watery. And…to get tears dripping down my face, just throw me into worship and…guess what? I can’t help it anymore. Last week we had a leaders’ meeting at church. When the leaders are gathered, the worship is one-of-a-kind, precious, intense, and Holy-Spirit-led. Everyone goes all in. It is completely un-doing, and it completely un-did me. I couldn’t stop crying. I would finally get dry-eyed at the beginning of the next song…but very quickly lose it again. And then comes the prayer. Oh, there I go again. And this past Sunday? Same deal. Seriously! And don’t get me started on the baptisms at our church picnic. Wow! (If you’re wondering, yes…I did cry ;-))

There’s no denying the feeling of the Holy Spirit. It’s incredible, overwhelming, and wow, even as I’m writing this, my eyes are getting misty. Seriously…I think God is working a miracle in me. Actually allowing me to release and feel emotion! Hallelujah! I’ve dealt with very little feeling and emotion and excitement for years, and now after years of asking for God to heal me and help me in this area, He’s slowly answering my prayer. It’s legit. I believe it. And I thank Him and praise Him!

I will probably be a blubbering mess by this time next year (who knows, haha!) but I welcome it. I want to feel God’s presence…feel the Holy Spirit at work within me and around me and in others! I want to be able to express real excitement instead of something akin to an excited reaction that I know I’m supposed to give. God is good.

There’s so much more I’m waiting for. Asking for. Believing for. But I don’t want it to be all about me. It’s all about GOD. He is unbelievably good. He is real. He is living. He is active. He heals. He restores. He gives grace, He grants peace, He gets us. Wow. Just wow.

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Psalm 23

This Psalm has been on my heart lately. Sometimes there is nothing better or more refreshing than reading it…it re-ignites confidence in my Savior. I fall more in love with Him reading it. It brings me peace and comfort, knowing He is with me always, in every situation, through good and bad. Leading me to rest in Him and trust Him as He leads me. I just love it, and I had to share it with you 🙂 praying you find peace and joy in Jesus right now, as well!

Psalm 23:1-6
“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
he restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness
for his name’s sake.
Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord

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Silence is Shameful

Luke Dowler is a musician I have recently stumbled across. He has partnered with International Justice Mission to write this single. It is riveting, horrifying, and reality. Please share this!

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